Numerical AI Development Tech Lead

Job Summary

  • 4,000,000 - 8,000,000(JPY / year)
  • Japan, Hokkaido
  • Remote(Anywhere in Japan)
  • Apply from Japan only
Language Requirements
  • English: Business
  • Japanese: Business
Key skills
  • C++
  • Python
  • R言語
Project Manager|CHOWA GIKENProject Manager|CHOWA GIKENProject Manager|CHOWA GIKEN

Job Description

Job Role

Project Manager

Job Description

■Job Description In the AI Numerical Group in the AI R&D business, you will be responsible for the following tasks under the management of the group leader. - Technical lead of numerical AI projects, including project planning, specification, design, implementation, review, and evaluation based on machine learning and mathematical optimization methods. - Identifying client issues and proposing technical solutions through client facing. - Provides technical direction to engineers and confirms results, and reports progress to the group leader while promoting substantive project work (including outsourcing management). - Responsible for the consistency of technical solutions, horizontal deployment of technologies, and feedback to the company's AI engine. - MLOps construction in cloud environments such as Azure, AWS, etc. - Technical guidance within the team - Technical research through international conferences, papers, etc. - The position will be in the Research and Development Department, where you will be responsible for defining issues, managing schedules and tasks, and providing technical guidance to younger members of the team. - Mentoring system is available, where you can consult and discuss about your project and thesis with a university professor. - We are a venture company from Hokkaido University, so we can take advantage of our knowledge of academia and cutting-edge technology.

Required skills & Experience

Basic qualifications

- High level of expertise in machine learning in general - Advanced expertise in mathematical optimization and numerical forecasting with at least 5 years of work experience. Mathematical optimization: - Expertise and social implementation experience in topics such as path optimization and scheduling Numerical Forecasting: - Expertise and social implementation experience in topics such as regression, classification, time series data prediction, anomaly detection, etc. - Deep understanding of algorithms such as deep learning and decision trees (GBDT) Other: - Understanding of issues through data analysis, EDA, feature extraction, and appropriate model selection - Implementation experience in Python, R, C++, etc. - Project management experience - Business level Japanese language skills

Preferred qualifications

- Knowledge of data analysis infrastructure and MLOps - Knowledge of computer science, Linux, Docker, Git, etc. - Master's degree or higher research experience in information or neighboring fields, or equivalent knowledge and experience - Experience in submitting and presenting papers to national and international conferences and journals - Ph.D. - Experience participating in and winning prizes in Kaggle and competitive programming - English proficiency (TOEIC score of 700 or above as a general guideline)

Ideal applicants

- Deep knowledge of AI and academic insight - Able to propose new goals as well as solve existing problems. - Who can explain to users appropriately on par with Ph.D. Researcher as the core of the project same

Tech stack

- Infrastructure: GCP, Azure, AWS - Language: Python, etc. - Frameworks: FastAPI, etc. - PC: Windows, Mac - Other: Docker, GitHub

Job Details

Employment type
Minimum and maximum annual income(JPY)
4,000,000 - 8,000,000 (JPY)
Salary details
The above amount includes 25 hours of monthly deemed overtime pay.
Japan, Hokkaido
Apply from
Japan only
Remote work
Remote(Anywhere in Japan)
Working hours
Full flex-time system (no core time)
Prescribed working hours: 8 hours 00 minutes
Break: 60 minutes
Overtime: Yes (average overtime hours: 15 hours)
Annual holidays: 125 days
2days off per week (Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays)
Other (summer vacation, year-end and New Year vacations)
Paid vacations
sick leave
Employee benefits
- Health insurance, employee pension, workers' accident compensation insurance, and unemployment insurance
- Trust-based paid stock option plan available
- Full remote work available and flextime system
- Telecommuting allowance provided
- Commuting allowance (actual expenses reimbursed)
- Subsidy for monthly usage of ChatGPT
- Subsidy for social gatherings
- Personnel evaluation twice a year
- Shortened working hours (negotiable)
- Childbirth and childcare support system
- Support for acquisition of qualifications and purchase of books
- Rules for handling employee inventions
- Car commuting and employee parking available (Sapporo Head Office only, reservation required) (Sapporo head office only, reservation required)
- Referral recruitment support system
Trial period: 3 months
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