AI / Computer vision Engineer

Job Summary

  • 3,600,000 - 6,000,000(JPY / year)
  • Japan, Hokkaido
  • Remote(Anywhere in Japan)
  • Apply from Japan only
Language Requirements
  • English: Business
  • Japanese: Conversational
Key skills
  • Python
  • Computer Vision
Machine Learning Engineer|CHOWA GIKENMachine Learning Engineer|CHOWA GIKENMachine Learning Engineer|CHOWA GIKEN

Job Description

Job Role

Machine Learning Engineer

Job Description

In an R&D project to solve client needs with image AI technology, you will be responsible for the following tasks in cooperation with project members under the guidance and management of the Tech Lead. - Research and development of image recognition technology using machine learning as typified by deep learning (mostly implemented in Python + PyTorch) - Gathering information on the latest technologies using international conferences/arXiv - Open implementation/Verification of the latest technology using GitHub. Department Information - Mentor system is available for consulting on projects and discussing papers with university professors. - We have a mentor system with a university professor who can consult with you on your projects and discuss your papers with you.

Required skills & Experience

Basic qualifications

- At least 3 years of research and development experience (including university and graduate school research) in the area of image recognition and machine learning. - Software coding skills (Python, C++, PyTorch, TensorFlow/Keras, etc.) - Ability to read and collect information from English papers and articles. - Communication skills in Japanese (native Japanese speaker or JLPT N3 equivalent or above)

Preferred qualifications

- Experience in submitting and presenting papers at international conferences and in domestic and international journals - Ph.D. - Experience participating in and winning prizes in Kaggle and competitive programming - English proficiency to conduct business (meetings, presentations, etc.) in English(As a guide, TOEIC score of 700 or above)

Ideal applicants

- Those who are interested in innovative technologies and services based on cutting-edge AI technologies such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion, and are excited to be the first to try them out and explore their use in the world. - Those who are interested in creating better rules without sticking to the existing ones.

Tech stack

- Infrastructure: GCP, Azure, AWS - Language: Python, C++ - Libraries: PyTorch, TensorFlow/Keras - PC: Windows, Mac - Other: Docker, GitHub

Job Details

Employment type
Minimum and maximum annual income(JPY)
3,600,000 - 6,000,000 (JPY)
Salary details
The above amount includes 25 hours of monthly deemed overtime pay.
Japan, Hokkaido
Apply from
Japan only
Remote work
Remote(Anywhere in Japan)
Working hours
Full flex-time system (no core time)
Prescribed working hours: 8 hours 00 minutes
Break: 60 minutes
Overtime: Yes (average overtime hours: 15 hours)
Annual holidays: 125 days
2days off per week (Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays)
Other (summer vacation, year-end and New Year vacations)
Paid vacations
sick leave
Employee benefits
- Health insurance, employee pension, workers' accident compensation insurance, and unemployment insurance
- Trust-based paid stock option plan available
- Full remote work available and flextime system
- Telecommuting allowance provided
- Commuting allowance (actual expenses reimbursed)
- Subsidy for monthly usage of ChatGPT
- Subsidy for social gatherings
- Personnel evaluation twice a year
- Shortened working hours (negotiable)
- Childbirth and childcare support system
- Support for acquisition of qualifications and purchase of books
- Rules for handling employee inventions
- Car commuting and employee parking available (Sapporo Head Office only, reservation required) (Sapporo head office only, reservation required)
- Referral recruitment support system
Trial period: 3 months
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